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Hogyan Lehetsz MCSE Profi ? - Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert Courses


Hogyan lehetsz MCSE profi az EFAG College tanfolyamán ? 

Ez az akkreditált bizonyítvány tudást biztosít az innovatív felhő technológiákat kivesézve és belépőd lehet a professzionális IT szektorba.

További információ és jelentkezés itt EFAG College

Képzések listája IT Tanfolyamok

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Learn Languages from Home - EFAG College Courses

English Language Learning is a growing demand especially in non-English speaking countries for example Hungary.

Teachers and students need for a secure and modern learning management environment that brings them together.

In this rapidly expanding worldwide community EFAG's learning management system provides virtual classrooms with instructors who lead classes that are broadcasted in real time to remote learners over the internet connection.

The college's modern LMS tools provide:

  • easy-to-use interface,
  • educational newspapers & articles,
  • technical videos,
  • various study sessions co-operating with university trained language teachers and other educators.

If you’re a new student don’t hesitate to join EFAG College’s community for Free !

Online Nyelvtanulás


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